science to amaze you

Amusement Park Physics
Explores how the laws of physics play a role in the design of amusement park rides. Design a roller coaster, determine the outcome of bumper car collisions, and more.

Ask Dr. Universe
How do chameleons change color? When was the light bulb invented? Why can't cats and dogs be friends? Want to know the answers to these and hundreds of other questions? Then just ask Dr. Universe, the world's most curious cat!

Beyond 2000
What will the next thousand years hold in store for us? See what futurists are predicting and give predictions of your own.

Brainpop is a really cool and unique site full of animated health and science movies, and fun quizzes.

Bill Nye the Science Guy
Learn about Bill Nye the Science Guy and his show, choose from 40 'Home Demos' you can try, watch video clips, and more.

Color Matters
Budding artists and anyone interested in color will want to see how color affects our mind and body, its use in design and art, plus lots more. Explains additive and subtractive color systems, how the eye sees colors, and how other cultures view and use colors.

Cool Science for Curious Kids
Includes five interactive activities for kids. From the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Dr. Bob's Interesting Science Stuff
Investigate interesting (hence the name) and unusual scientific topics. Includes 'Ask Dr. Bob' and 'Did You Know' sections.

Exploring Leonardo
Learn about Leonardo da Vinci, his futuristic inventions, and unique way of looking at the world at this attractive site.

Extreme Science
Where is the deepest spot in the ocean? Which creature is the strongest? Want to know what the fastest land animal is? Take a look at this site for answers to these and other scientific record-breakers!

FT Exploring
A fun-filled science site that explores energy and other basic scientific principles. Topics include sections on "super bugs", photosynthesis, marine science, and more. Know-it-all tortoise, Dr. Galapagos provides humorous and insightful answers to science questions.
At Funology, science is all about having fun! But that's not all. Besides fun facts and experiments you can perform, you'll also find crafts, recipes, magic tricks, jokes, and a whole lot more.

Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century
In 1900, life was a constant struggle. 100 years later, the world was a healthier, safer, and more productive place, due to the hard work of engineers and scientists. From electrification, to the automobile, to computers, learn how engineering has changed and improved our lives.

How Stuff Works
Curious about what makes things tick? How Stuff Works brings you hundreds of articles that cover a wide range of subjects like 3-D graphics, animals, video games, engines, roller coasters, toys, electricity, computers, and much more. (For a "huge list" of every article on the site, click here.)

Human Anatomy Online
Take a tour of the human body. This site offers a fun, interactive way to learn about skeletal, digestive, muscular, and other body systems.

Infrared Zoo
The Infrared Zoo shows what animals look like in a whole different light. See what birds, reptiles, and mammals look like in the infrared, and learn how animals use fur, blubber, and feathers to insulate themselves.

Planetpals Earthzone
Join Earthman, Sunnyray, Fluffy, and the rest of the Planetpals gang to learn all about our planet, weather, and ways you can recycle and conserve the earth's resources. You'll also find sections with crafts you can make, games, coloring pages, and lots of other fun stuff. Like the Planetpals say, "a friend for earth is a friend for life!"

Popular Science
You'll always find plenty of cool and interesting things to read at Popular Science Magazine's web site. Articles on science, space, the Internet, computers, and more are all here to help keep you informed of the latest advances in technology.

Have fun with puzzles and activities, look at illusions, visit a dinosaur exhibit and StarLab. Sections for Grown-ups and Teachers too. Some sections require Shockwave and other plug-ins.

The Revolutionaries
Silicon Valley, (home of!), is a well-known oasis of technical innovation. This site interviews such famous 'overachievers' such as Steve Wozniak (Apple), Nolan Bushnell (Atari), and 16 others, to find out how they turned their budding ideas into reality, changing the world for the rest of us in the process.

Robot Constructor
Construct a virtual robot and use it to collect golden cubes scattered around a variety of hostile zones. Each zone requires a robot with different skills, so choose its power supply, sensors, material and mobile abilities carefully.

The Rudiments of Wisdom Encyclopedia
Includes thousands of cartoons covering almost anything you'd like to know! Originally drawn over a period of 14 years for the Observer newspaper, you'll find information on animals, art, entertainment, music, science, sports and 16 other subjects.

The Science Explorer
Using common household items, make a salt volcano, a roto-coptor, or one of over 25 other projects at this nice site.

Time for Kids
Do you have a nose for news? Time Magazine's site for kids has science, entertainment, and world news, along with research and homework help, places to explore, online games, and more!

Science Made Simple
Simple answers to common science questions, plus fun science projects, experiments, and science news.

The Science of Hockey
Join the Exploratorium and San Jose Sharks as they explain the science behind the equipment used in the game, how to slap a puck 100 miles per hour, how players stay in shape, and more.
Learn about our solar system, take a star tour, see how gravity and inertia work, play a fun lunar lander game, and more at this site by the makers of

Sea and Sky
Take your pick and explore the beauty of the sea, or the wonders of the universe. Sea and Sky is an incredible resource, providing extensive information on the mysteries of each in amazing detail.